CA Crater started as a reporter. Then she moved into marketing (the dark side) and then she ventured into technology — where the idea for Hijacked Glory flourished. She’s been involved in technology since she worked at Intel Corporation in 1995 when the World Wide Web was known as the “World Wide What?” Back then, every day, the local newspaper provided an article about the Web. And, now 20 years later, cyber technology, actually, cyber warriors, are creeping into our Web of secrets and knowledge. We need to stop China, North Korea, Iran, Russia, and other countries from infiltrating our companies, our military, and most importantly, our military warfare arsenal. This book strikes on the real fact that the United States is at war with cyber warriors and every day that we ignore that fact, those warriors march closer to taking down our utility grids, our airports, and our water resources. This may seem like a game of Risk, but it isn’t. It’s a real, strategic level of reality. This book, my prediction, shows what can happen when a software company that creates technology for our every-day cell phone usage gets hacked. It can happen today, tomorrow, and it could have already happened and they are just waiting for the right time to bring down our country into a black-out that’s never been felt like this before. Read on….